
Aldeburgh Poetry Festival

Aldeburgh Poetry Festival

I’m delighted to be reading with the collective group Poets For The Planet at this year’s Aldeburgh Poetry Festival as well as taking pat in a panel discussion on poetry and the climate emergency. You can book tickets for the festival here:

Read My Reviews

Read My Reviews

I’m a regular reviewer for poetry magazine The Alchemy Spoon, which is edited by talented trio Roger Bloor, Vanessa Lampert and Mary Mulholland. You can order a copy of the magazine or read older copies here:

My Caravaggio Project – Blog for Guts Publishing

My Caravaggio Project – Blog for Guts Publishing

I guess if you’ve read my unlikely poem about a lobster in the fabulous Transformative Power of Tattoo anthology, you won’t be surprised to know that my first collection was about climate change and its impact on the natural world. What might be more surprising is the subject of my second collection which is very different in both theme and register.

The poems look at the life, works and my response to the work of the Italian painter Caravaggio. If there’s a common trope between climate change and Caravaggio, it might be the sense of impending calamity underlying both. As you might know, it didn’t end well for Caravaggio, dying on a remote beach after years on the run for killing a man in Rome. Most of the facts about his life come from police records – he was a notorious brawler.

Set against this, those sublime paintings – ground-breaking, constantly pushing boundaries which one critic describes as “sadistic ballets”. And it’s this polarity that attracts me as a poet – the coexistence of the sacred and profane, tender and violent, all of which find echoes in his own character and behaviour.

And the paintings are wonderfully transgressive, many commissioned by a Church lamentably opposed to same-sex relationships yet containing a blatant homo-erotic charge. I’d suggest some of them come close to depicting male rape – put that in your cassock and smoke it.
So plenty to go for. And here’s the great bit – I write this at the end of an art tour called Caravaggio On The Run which takes in Malta and Sicily (I’ve already done the Rome/Naples leg). It’s 20 degrees in March and the Vino Rosso here is thick as blood. Whatever the subject of Julianne’s next anthology – nudes, smut, penises, anyone? – there’ll be a poem for that.

How and Why I Wrote We Saw It All Happen

How and Why I Wrote We Saw It All Happen

I’ve written a blog for ClimateCultures about the creative process behind my book and my efforts to turn dull data into something resembling poetry – read it by going here:

My First Poetry Collection Out Now

My First Poetry Collection Out Now

I’m so pleased to be working with Fly On The Wall Press on my first book of eco-poetry called We Saw It All Happen which was published in January 2023 and you can order it here:

I’ve spent the last five years writing responses to the climate crisis and have been working with editor Isabelle Kenyon and her fabulous team at Fly On The Wall in selecting poems, among them being Little Whirlpool Ramshorn Snail which you can read here: